For as long as I can remember, getting married in June seemed to be the right thing to do. That is why when an aunt of mine got married in December, I couldn’t quite understand why. Come to think of it, I never understood why people wanted to get married in June either. So where did tradition stem from? Remember that cliché all roads lead to Rome? Well, June weddings can also be traced back to the Ancient Roman times.
For one, the Romans placed special attention to June weddings because that month was the time when they paid special obeisance to Juno, the goddess of marriage. As such, getting married in June was deemed lucky. We all know how the gods of the ancient times were very much involved in day to day living. On the other hand, it was not all luck and superstition that had it going for June weddings. It also had a practical aspect to it. If a couple got married in June, it meant that if the wife conceived, she would give birth before harvest time. This translated to the fact that she would be well enough to work the fields come harvest time.
There you are – the nitty gritty stuff about June weddings. With time, however, these reasons faded into the background. People of the modern times merely held on to the tradition that June is a good time to get married and that there is no other more romantic month than this. I have been trying to come up with modern reasons for June being the wedding month. I have done research and racked my brains but to no avail. Unfortunately, I think it is all based on the age old tradition which many do not know about now.
No matter what the reason may be though, June weddings are still quite popular today (though probably not as much as before). With the month of June just peeking around the corner, countless couples are probably getting ready for their own wedding. Their reasons may vary but the fact remains that June is still the prime month for weddings. In the next few posts, let us look into different topics relating to weddings held in June. Though it may be a bit late to plan your own wedding for this June, it will only be a matter of time till the next June comes around.
Written by Lesle-Ann
Labels: ecards, June weddings, wedding planning, wedding tradition, weddings